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Patient Advocacy Associates

Nancy Feeney MHA, BCPA

Let's face it; healthcare today is complicated and often overwhelming.  What worked in the past, just doesn't cut it today. Referrals, insurance challenges, specialists; it's a lot to juggle on your own. For some, the added stress of caring for a parent or loved one who lives out of state can be exceptionally difficult.  Nobody ever said you have to do this alone…

This is where I can help. My name is Nancy Feeney, a Board-Certified Patient Advocate, and I partner with patients like you to help you traverse the often-complicated healthcare journey and encourage you to reach your personal health goals. Consider me part of your healthcare team, by your side, to advocate for your needs and steer you in a direction that aligns with your individual expressed goals.

I know first-hand what it's like to have your life turned upside down…having been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 23. Add to that my 25 years of experience working in healthcare. 

These experiences uniquely qualify me to connect with you and to effectively communicate on your behalf as part of your healthcare team.        

Today you need a real skill set to navigate healthcare successfully; in me, you'll find a trusted partner that fully understands the patient journey coupled with a thorough grasp of healthcare industry expertise.

To learn more about what differentiates me from other Patient Advocates, visit the Why Me section of the website.

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Beautiful Smile


"Nancy's knowledge, sensitivity, kindness and let's-get-it-done approach made an overwhelming situation completely manageable. 


I was able to successfully obtain a health insurance plan that was within budget and provided all of the providers I need by completing all of the steps Nancy walked me through.

Thank you for all of your excellent help in guiding me through the maze of health care coverage components.  I have successfully obtained health insurance. 

What a relief!!  It would have been so much more difficult without your help.”


Marie R.

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54 Crawford St
Arlington, MA  02474


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